Establishing and operating the silos needed to store grains to meet the country’s needs through the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade. Implementing the approved policies, plans and programs to develop silos activity and setting appropriate procedures for that. Receiving wheat from citizens and suppliers through the local wheat season and storing it in silos annually for consumption throughout the year. Maintaining the quality of grain through monitoring and carrying out the necessary maintenance. Among the specializations of the Egyptian Holding Company for Silos and Storage are the following:- Establishing and operating the silos needed to store grain to meet the country's needs through the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade. Implementing the approved policies, plans and programs to develop silos activity and setting appropriate procedures for that. Receiving wheat from citizens and suppliers through the local wheat season and storing it in silos annually for consumption throughout the year. Maintaining the quality of grains through monitoring and carrying out the necessary maintenance. Elimination of the wastage rate, which amounts to about 10% to 15% as a result of storage in the barn and the open. Moving to storage activity in the field of grain in Egypt is a distinct cultural shift to preserve stock and reach the lowest possible wastage rate. Creating new areas of attraction and agricultural expansion by encouraging farmers to grow wheat and grains next to the areas where silos are established. Reducing the average purchase price of wheat throughout the year as a result of entering the global market for purchase at appropriate times due to the presence of safe stocks inside the country.
1-Improvig productivity and raising up the agricultural production efficiency. 2-Developing marketing and promotional services. 3- Establishing strategic governmental food stock.
It is an Egyptian joint stock holding company subject to Law 203 of 1991, and it is one of the largest Egyptian companies working in the field of food industries. The Holding Company for Food Industries contributes to 22 companies subject to Law 203 of 1991. It also contributes to 13 companies subject to Joint Stock Companies Law 159 of 1991 and 5 joint companies subject to Investment Law 8 of 1997. The company, through the Unified Procurement Committee, undertakes the provision of ration goods (non-essential) with the ration card, which are distributed to the wholesale companies, consumer complexes, my association project outlets and mobile outlets The automated system for linking the warehouses of the wholesale companies and the complexes for the circulation of food commodities A plan to develop oil factories and establish new entities to extract oils Development plan for the Sugar and Integrated Industries Company.
1-Improvig productivity and raising up the agricultural production efficiency. 2-Developing marketing and promotional services. 3- Establishing strategic governmental food stock.