Documents designated for external preparation in the service of the General Authority for Supply Commodities

First: Documents required for the external supplier:

  • 1- Managing and providing food and consumer goods that meet the needs of the broad base of low-income people, within the framework of the support plan adopted by the state.

    2- Creating balances for local markets by controlling the internal trade movement in quantity and price in a way that maintains food security and prevents monopolistic practices.

    3- Managing and providing the country's needs of basic commodities for which a decision is issued by the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, whether by import or local management, as well as any other commodities that face any monopolistic practices in the local market.

Second: Documents required for the agent in A.S.C.:

    • 1- Managing and providing food and consumer goods that meet the needs of the broad base of low-income people, within the framework of the support plan adopted by the state.

      2- Creating balances for local markets by controlling the internal trade movement in quantity and price in a way that maintains food security and prevents monopolistic practices.

      3- Managing and providing the country's needs of basic commodities for which a decision is issued by the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, whether by import or local management, as well as any other commodities that face any monopolistic practices in the local market.

Documents required for the representative office:-

  • All of the previous items 1-7 except for item No. (4) with a copy of the required documents attached to a request addressed to His Excellency the Minister of Supply and Internal Trade for registration in the register of suppliers dealing with the Authority.

Related Websites

Egyptian government portal

Governmental Complaints Portal

Holding Company for soils and Warehousing


the Ministry of supply and internal Trade